13 Easy-to-Start Business Ideas for Generating Additional Income

Are you looking for an easy way to start a business and generate additional income? In this article we'll highlight 13 easy-to-start business ideas to help you get started.

13 Easy-to-Start Business Ideas for Generating Additional Income

Are you looking for an easy way to start a business and generate additional income? A sole proprietorship is a personal venture or business owned and managed by a single person. In this article, we'll highlight 13 easy-to-start business ideas to help you get started, as well as legal and marketing considerations to ensure your new venture has the best chance of success. If you have a job that allows for more flexibility, you may be the perfect candidate for starting an easy business. For example, many companies don't have the resources to hire a full-time employee to manage their small business social media initiatives.

If you're a social media enthusiast, you can offer your independent social media management services to those companies. You can take care of the photography, editing and programming of publications for a fixed or package fee. Programs like Hootsuite and Sendible make social media management extremely easy. Another easy business to start is a bike rental business.

You can often sell your used bikes for more than you paid for them. However, it's important to approach this venture as if it were a business, rather than being lazy about it. When considering what types of companies are easy to create, it's important to understand the different types of business structures. For example, I once bought a large warehouse complex from a Japanese businessman who had created the largest candle business in his country.

Before starting any business, it's important to write a business plan that includes what you will specialize in, who your target market is, what your marketing message will be and how you will reach your audience. Writing can take many forms, from resumes to news articles, marketing materials and even thank-you notes. When setting up a jewelry business, the biggest challenge might be running the business itself; just doing nice things won't be enough to keep the operation going. I once had a client who was able to gain access to businesses at night and was willing to pay him a hefty premium for his services.

If you haven't formed a legal structure but do business as a contractor or self-employed person, this means that in the eyes of the law you are considered a sole proprietor. You could easily start an eBay business by shipping old clothes, vintage items, handmade products and more. You could also expand your business into sports camps, sports schools or even your own futsal league. It's also important to note that any debt the company accumulates is the sole responsibility of the owner.

The subscription box business is booming and there are many successful cases with millions of customers such as Ipsy, Dollar Shave and Birchbox. I had no previous experience publishing books but I had set up several other small businesses from home.